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Private Tour of the Pompidou Center

Classement :
Durée : 3 heures 30 minutes
Départ : Paris, France
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Home to the world's most outstanding collection of modern art, the Centre du Pompidou is one of the most exciting museums in Paris. Discover legendary works by avant-garde luminaries like Picasso, Dalí and Matisse, while you tour the world's largest collection of modern European art.

Home to the world's most outstanding collection of modern art, the Centre du Pompidou is one of the most exciting museums in Paris. Discover legendary works by avant-garde luminaries like Picasso, Dalí and Matisse, while you tour the world's largest collection of modern European art.

Your tour begins at the Place Georges Pompidou, with an introduction to the infamous building that houses the museum, the Pompidou Center. Now legendary, it's 'inside out' design (its duct work, exposed pipes and elevators are all exposed to the street) caused quite a stir in conservative Paris when it was built.

Home to Europe's largest collection of 20th-century art, the Centre Pompidou is one of the most-visited museums in the world. Your tour takes you from the modern era's controversial beginnings through to its place as one of the most respected art techniques of today. You will study surrealism, cubism, fauvism, and dadaism as you take in works from pioneers like Matisse, Picasso, and Dalí.

After close exploration of some favorite masterpieces, you should gain a deeper understanding of this chaotic, but fascinating, period in the history of art. Of course, you will do much more than spend time studying the greats of yesteryear, as the Pompidou is home to some of today's most cutting edge art. Your knowledgeable guide will contrast some of the interesting, temporary exhibits in the museum with revered legends. Who knows? At the Pompidou, that little-known artist you are exploring today may go down in history as the next Picasso.

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