Useful telephone numbers in Paris
Useful telephone numbers in Paris

Emergency police calls....................17
Fire Department .............................18
Poison Emergency Center ...............01 40 05 48 48
Emergency Medical Assistance .......01 47 07 77 77
Drug Squad Hot Line ....0 800 14 21 52 (tollfree)
Drug Info Service........ 0 800 23 13 13 (tollfree)
AIDS/HIV Info Service.. 0 800 840 800 (tollfree)
Sexually-transmitted diseases... 01 40 78 26 00
SOS Médecins (doctors 24/24)...01 47 07 77 77
SOS Dentaire (dentists24/24)....01 43 37 51 00
SOS burns (Hôpital Cochin)...... 01 58 41 41 41
Information & Security Department.....................01 49 96 30 07
Téléphone information service Monday/Friday, 09.00 AM through 07.00 PM
Réception by appointment only Monday/Friday 09.00 AM through 12.30 PM
and 02.00 PM through 05.30 PM
Lost Property Service................................08 21 00 25 25 (0,12 euro/minute)
Préfecture de Police, 36, rue des Morillons
Paris 15lh - Subway Station Convention
Monday/Thursday 08.00 AM through 05.00 PM
Friday 08.30 AM through 04.30 PM
Lost or stolen credit cards :
Visa : 08 92 70 57 05
Visa Premier : 08 92 70 57 05
American Express : 01 47 77 70 00
Eurocard : 01 45 67 84 84
Diner's Club : 08 10 31 41 59
Lost or stolen mobile telephones
Contact your service provider as soon as possible in order to have your line suspended :
• Orange :
Service (including subscription) 08 25 00 57 00 (0,15 euro/minute from a fixed line)
Mobicarte :08 92 70 17 22 (0,34 eum/minute from afixed Une)
Over the Internet : > mon abonnement > SOS mobile
Access from abroad : 00 33 6 07 62 64 64 (price of an international call)
• Bouygues Telecom :
Fixed price : 08 00 29 10 00 (toll free from a fixed line)
Nomad card : 06 68 63 46 34 (price of a call towards a Nomad mobile phone)
Over the Internet : > Espace Client
Access from abroad : Set price subscriptions : 00 33 1 46 10 86 86
Nomad Card offers : 00 33 6 68 63 46 34 (price of the foreign provider)
• SFR :
Option including subscription : 06 10 00 19 00 from a fixed phone (7 days a week, price of a call to an SFR mobile phone)
SFR Card option : 06 14 00 19 00 (6 days a week, price ofa call to an SFR mobile phone)
Universal Music Mobile option : 06 12 00 12 00 from a fixed line (6 days a week, price of a call to an SFR mobile phone)
Over the Internet : Access from abroad :
Options including subscription : 00 33 6 10 00 19 00
SFR Card offers : 00 33 6 14 00 19 00
UMM offers : 00 33 6 12 00 12 00
Fill up a complaint form at the nearest police station, including the serial number of your mobile phone (IMEI Code).
In case you wish to lodge a complaint, approach the Police Préfecture,
Bureau de la Réglementation Générale des Voitures Publiques : 01 55 76 20 11/02