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Disabled people in Paris and Disabled access in Paris

Disabled people in Paris


Disabled access


Paris is a city full of historical heritage, which often implies difficult or limited access for people with disabilities. The city is making a visible effort to adapt, and so to offer a greater accessibility to its treasures… thanks to notable improvements in a variety of installations open to the public, such as hotels and other accommodation, restaurants, transports, museums and different leisure venues.


Since 1997, the French Secretary of State for Tourism has been taking steps to raise awareness and mobilize representatives of the tourist industry in order to improve the integration of people with disabilities into the world of tourism.


disabled paris

In 2001, an intensive campaign of identification has been undertaken on a national level, with reference to 4 main categories of disability: physical, mental, visual and hearing. The “Tourisme & Handicap” label aims to provide accurate information for clients with specific needs, regarding the accessibility of holiday and leisure venues, keen to raise awareness of the needs of disabled people when travelling, has initiated a campaign which is proving to be of invaluable help.

 The logo depicting 4 specifics types of disability: physical (impaired mobility), mental disability, partial sight or blindness and hearing difficulty and deafness has been designed. The symbols are displayed in airports and other public places and guide books. They indicate meeting points where help is available.


Wheelchair rentals:

Three organisations in Paris rent out wheelchairs:CRF - Tel: 0033 143 73 98 98Integral - Tel: 0033 145 88 33 00 Material Paramedical - Tel: 0033 143 26 75 00. Some organisations are specifically aimed at helping young disabled people, for example the Centre International de Séjour de Paris.
-6 avenue Maurice Ravel
75 012 Paris -17, Boulevard Kellermann
75 013 ParisBooking centre: 0033 143 58 96 00
Fax: 0033 143 58 95 14

Tourism - Handicap in Paris

Tourism & Handicap

Tourism & Handicap in Paris

Regualtions establishments and diabled access in Paris


Regulations establishments and disabled access in Paris

Useful links for disabled in Paris

Useful links

Useful links for disabled in Paris

Your comments : Disabled people in Paris

places to rent mobility scooters in Paris
- Mary Lou
(21 Oct 2012 - 10:00)
Does anyone know a place(s) to rent a mobility scooter in Paris? I want to take a friend to the Salon du Chocolat at the end of the month, but she would not be able to do it without something like this.
Transport of person in wheelchair traveling from London to Paris via Eurostar.
- Ruth Alcorn, Ocean City MD
(14 Oct 2012 - 11:00)
I will be visiting London next week, then leaving London and traveling to Paris via Eurostar. How would I -I'm in a wheelchair- get from the train station in Paris to Gare de Nord for my flight back to the states?
Paris Taxis
- John Little
(22 Feb 2012 - 09:15)
You can now catch a wheelchair accessible taxi in Paris. They are a part of the G7 taxi company and although they are not cheap they are reliable and I have been in them with my large power chair. Telephone number 33 01 47 39 00 91 and they have an English speaking service. As for going from Gare du Nord I have been in my chair on my my own from there to Les Halles. I put my head down and powered passed any groups of youths but they left me alone. They were probably more surprised at the cheek of me than I was concerned about them. It was fun, but it was daytime.
Disabled in Paris
- Julia
(10 Nov 2011 - 00:45)
I was in Paris twice with a mobility scooter. Although the roads and pavements were a bit of a challenge as there were a lot of road works, people everywhere were very helpful, friendly and patient. Our evxperience on the visit to the Louvre was especailly good as we were taken down in a special lift and staff were very helpful. I LOVE visiting Paris and intend doing so again soon. We did find taxis who were willing to put my mobility scooter in the back of their cars, or in their boot. No problem. Hope this helps
Wheelchair route Gare de Nord to Parc d'expositions, Paris Nord Villepinte
- Ann Olivier
(27 Jun 2011 - 10:00)
I am hoping to attend Premiere Vision in September a fabrics fair. I plan to come by Eurostar from London to the Gare de Nord. I use an electric wheelchair and taxis in Paris do not carry wheelchairs. I'm hoping to be able to take the Metro from the Gare de Nord to the Parc d'expositions, Paris Nord Villepinte. Could somebody tell me what obstacles I would find along my route. Would it be possible for me to make the journey with a helper or could I make it on my own?

I would be very grateful for a reply to this enquiry

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Overcast. Quite cool.
Wind : 19 km/h - Northeast

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