Communications in Paris
Communications in Paris
You can keep in touch with family and friends in Paris either by traditional methods or by using the latest technology. Making a phone call is as easy as pie: you’ll find telephone booths in most places. Remember to send postcards, they are always much appreciated by those you’ve left behind… and you can also send a cyber card from our web site! For speed: an e-mail, cyber cafés even offer keyboards compatible with the Japanese system.
- How to call France from France

All French numbers have 10 digits and begin with 0.
The prefix for Paris and Ile-de-France numbers is 01.
Mobile numbers start with 06.
Telephone calls are generally cheaper between 9pm and 9am.
Freephone and other specially-priced numbers begin with 08.
0 800 and 0 804, 0 805, 30 00, 31 44, 36 55 all denote a free service (N° Vert®).
Other special telephone numbers have specific tariffs from land lines.
The price per minute must be indicated (€0.12/min; €0.15 /min or €0.30/min including taxes (TTC)).
There are also certain 4-digit numbers for emergencies or the speaking clock (3699) but, in general, these are trade numbers with surcharges.
Information numbers start by 118 you can use this one: 118 218
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