Paris city guide
Paris city guide
Paris hotels, Tours and Attractions
Paris hotels, Tours and Attractions

Tags search : Attractions

Search for "Attractions" returned 37 matches

Museums > Fondation Cartier

Address : 261, Boulevard Raspail
Opening hours : Open every day except Monday, from 11h to 20h, 22h on Tuesdays.
Phone : 01 42 18 56 50
Metro/Bus : Raspail

The Cartier Foundation welcomes all forms of contemporary art without restrictions

Museums > Maison Européenne de la Photographie

Address : 5 Rue de Fourcy
Opening hours : Every day except monday and tuesday from 11am to 8pm. Ticket sales close at 7:30pm
Phone : 01 44 78 75 00
Metro/Bus : Métro: Saint Paul ou Pont Marie // Bus: 67, 69, 96 ou 76 // Vélib' : Station n°4010 : 105-109 Terre plein Saint Paul

The Maison Européenne de la Photographie known as MEP, is a major centre for contemporary photogtraphic art. 

Monuments > The Invalides

Address : Avenue de Tourville
Opening hours : Open evry day from 10am to 5pm
Phone : 33 (0)1 44 42 38 77
Metro/Bus : Metro : Latour-Maubourg, Invalides, ligne 8, Varenne, Saint François-Xavier, ligne 13 Invalides / RER C - RER : Invalides/ Bus n°28, 63, 69, 80, 82, 83, 87, 92, 93, Balabus

In 1670, King Louis XIV decided to build the "Hôtel Royal des Invalides" for wounded homeless soldiers of its different wars. It was built between 1671 and 1676 by Libéral Bruant, and then by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Robert de Cotte.One of the most prestigious monument in Paris....

Museums > Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration

Address : Palais de la Porte Dorée
293, avenue Daumesnil
Opening hours : 10am to 5-30 pm from tuesday to friday and 10am to 7pm saturday and sunday.
Phone : 01 53 59 58 60
Metro/Bus : By métro : Porte Dorée (ligne 8) - By bus : 46 et PC2

Cité nationale de l’histoire de l’immigration, (National city of the history of immigration) is a public corporation located the Palais de la Porte Dorée in Paris...

Monuments > Montparnasse Cemetery

Address : 3, Boulevard Edgar Quinet
Phone : 01 44 10 86 50
Metro/Bus : Montparnasse - Bienvenüe

Many famous people are buried in the cemetery of Montparnasse

Monuments > Place Vendome

Address : Place Vendôme
Metro/Bus : Tuileries, Madeleine, Opéra

Place Vendôme is without doubt one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles in Paris

Monuments > Stade de France

Opening hours : From 10am to 5pm
Phone : 0892 700 900 (0,34 euro/min)
Metro/Bus : Metro 13: Saint Denis- Porte de Paris / RER B & D: La Plaine Stade de France / Tramway n°1 station St Denis Basilique / bus n°239 - 253 - 139 - 153 - 173 - 255 - 350 / Freeway: Autoroutes A1 (exit n°2 Stade de France ) and A86 ( exit n°9 Saint Denis - La Plaine Stade de France ).

The purpose of the Stade de France is to organize great sports events (soccer, rugby, athletics), and also concerts and shows. The Stade de France, conceived by architects Macary-Zubléna-Regembal-Costantini, was inaugurated on the 28th of January 1998..

Museums > Petit Palais

Address : 5, avenue Dutuit
Opening hours : every day except monday from 10am to 6pm
Phone : 01 53 43 40 00
Metro/Bus : Métro : Champs-Elysées-Clemenceau (ligne 1 ou 13) ou Concorde (ligne 1, 8 ou 12) RER : ligne C, station Invalides ; ligne A, station Charles-de-Gaulle-Etoile Bus : 42,72, 73, 80, 93

After a five-year expansion project, the Beaux Arts-style Museum, Petit Palais Musée des Beaux Arts de la Ville de Paris reopened its doors in 2005...

Museums > Maillol Museum

Address : 61, Rue de Grenelle
Opening hours : 10:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Ticket sales until 18.15
Phone : 01 42 22 59 58
Metro/Bus : Sèvres - Babylone - Rue du bac

Fondation Dina Vierny-Maillol Museum presents more than Maillol's work in many other collections of modern art.

Monuments > Jardins des Tuileries

Address : Place de la Concorde
Opening hours : April-May: 7a.m. -9p.m. June-August: 7a.m. - 11p.m. Sept-March: 7:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Metro/Bus : Palais Royal - Musée du Louvre

The Jardins des Tuileries is a museum of outdoor sculptures in Paris.

Monuments > Conciergerie

Address : boulevard du Palais
Opening hours : Open everyday : 9.30 am to 6 pm / Last entry 30 minutes before closing time./ Closed on January 1, May 1 and December 25.
Phone : 01 53 40 60 93
Metro/Bus : Metro: Châtelet, Saint-Michel, Cité: lines 1, 4, 7, 11 and 14 / Bus: 21, 24, 27, 38, 58, 81, 85 and Balabus / RER:Châtelet-les-Halles, Saint-Michel, Notre-Dame: lines B and C - Follow the Seine banks to Ile de la Cité

Built in the early 14th century, this Gothic architecture, complete with men-at-arms room, guardroom and kitchen, The Conciergerie is located on Ile de la Cité and was built by Phillipe the Fair (1284 - 1314)...

Cabarets > Le Lido

Address : 116 Bis Avenue des Champs Elysées
Opening hours : The 1st show begins at 9.30 PM, and the 2nd at 11.30 PM
Phone : +33 (0)
Metro/Bus : Metro: George V line 1

C'est Magique! Le Lido de Paris welcomes you for one of the most famous cabaret show in the world....

Museums > Bourdelle Museum

Address : 18, Rue Antoine Bourdelle
Opening hours : Every day except Monday and holidays, from 10 to 18.
Phone : 01 49 54 73 73
Metro/Bus : Montparnasse - Bienvenüe

Over 500 works of sculpture in marble, plaster, bronze...

Museums > Musée du Luxembourg

Address : 19 rue de Vaugirard
Opening hours : daily from 10am – 8pm, and until10pm on Fridays and Saturdays.
Phone : 01 40 13 62 00
Metro/Bus : Metro: line 4, to Saint Sulpice; line 10, to Mabillon // Bus: lines 58, 84, 89, to Luxembourg ; Lines 63,70, 87, 86, 93, to Saint Sulpice

The Musée du Luxembourg is today one of the leading exhibition spaces in Paris, enabling its numerous visitors to enjoy the masterpieces of Botticelli, Raphaël, Titian, Arcimboldo, Veronese, Gauguin, Matisse, Vlaminck, Modigliani and lately Lucas Cranach...

Museums > Carnavalet Museum

Address : 23 Rue de Sévigné
Opening hours : from 10 am to 6pm closed on Monday
Phone : 01 44 59 58 58
Metro/Bus : Metro : Chemin Vert, Saint-Paul // Bus : 29, 69, 76, 96

In The Marais district of Paris, the Musée Carnavalet offers the visitor a large collection of paintings, drawings, sculptures, prints and decorative arts on the history of Paris since its origins to the present time...

Cabarets > Le Crazy Horse

Address : 12, Avenue George V
Opening hours : Monday to Friday: 8:30 pm & 11:00 pm Saturday: 7 :30pm, 9 :45pm & 11 :50 pm
Phone : + 33 (0)1 47 23 32 32
Metro/Bus : Line 9 - Metro Alma Marceau Line 1 - Metro George V - Bus Lines :72. 43. 80. 63. 92. Alma Marceau Stop

The Crazy Horse has been founded some 50 years ago and remains a highlight of Paris's nights!!

Cabarets > Paradis Latin

Address : 28, rue du Cardinal Lemoine
Opening hours : Show starts at 8pm
Phone : 01 43 25 28 28
Metro/Bus : Maubert Mutualité - Cardinal Lemoine

In 35 years later the Paradis Latin has dazzled the eyes of 2 million spectators, with 6 shows and over 1600 unforgettable evening performances!

Today show is called “Paradis à la Folie”

Museums > National Museum of the Middle Ages

Address : 6, place Paul Painlevé
Opening hours : Every day except Tuesdays from 9.15 a.m to 5.45 p.m
Phone : +33(0)1 53 73 78 00
Metro/Bus : M° Cluny La Sorbonne (ligne 10), M° St Michel (ligne 4), M° Odéon (lignes 4 et 10) - Bus 21, 27, 38, 63, 85, 86, 87

The Musée National du Moyen-Age in french is located in the Gallo-Roman baths and the Hôtel des Abbés de Cluny (15th century): houses antique sculptures and one of the richest mediaeval collections in the world. Medieval garden...

Cabarets > Le Moulin Rouge

Address : 82 boulevard de Clichy
Opening hours : Every day at 9 and 11 pm
Phone : 01 53 09 82 82
Metro/Bus : Blanche

Le Moulin Rouge is certainly the most famous cabaret of the World. Since  Henri de Toulouse Lautrec, at the beginning of the twentieth century, le Moulin Rouge is one of the legendary monuments of Paris....

Museums > Guimet Museum

Address : 6, place d'Iéna
Opening hours : Every day except Tuesdays, 10am to 6pm
Phone : 33 1 56 52 53 00
Metro/Bus : Métro : Iéna / Trocadéro / Boissière. Bus : n° 63, 82, 32, 22, 30

The Guimet Museum of Asian Arts in Paris is one of the best and most comprehensive in the world in his specialty...

Paris weather

Paris weather
Passing clouds. Chilly.
Wind : 9 km/h - Northeast

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PRZEMEK - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
ADITYA SINGH - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
LOST - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
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aizen - 3 Jul 2018 - 09:15
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