Trains to Paris
Trains to / from Paris
If you are traveling to Paris from within continental Europe or from the U.K., traveling to Paris by train can be a great alternative to flying.

Europe counts more and more High-Speed trains (called TGV in France) that can cut rail travel time down by half. The Eurostar train connects London to Paris via the channel tunnel, or "chunnel", making for a truly unforgettable experience. The Eurostar bullet train connects London St. Pancras station to Paris Gare du Nord in only 2 hours and 15 minutes
Main Paris Train Stations and destinations.
Paris has six major train stations serving both domestic and international destinations.
Gare du Nord, 18 rue de Dunkerque, 15e, is the hub for trains traveling from the U.K., Northern France and Northern Europe. The Eurostar train arrives at Gare du Nord from London.
Gare de Lyon, 20 bd. Diderot, 12e, is a destination for trains from Lyon, Aix en Provence, Marseille, the French Riviera (Nice, Cannes, St-Tropez), Geneva, and Italy. Many of the trains arriving at Gare de Lyon are bullet trains. For example, you can get from Lyon to Paris in 2 hours and from Marseille to Paris in 3 hours.
Gare d'Austerlitz,55 quai d'Austerlitz, 13e, serves destinations in southwestern France (Toulouse, Bordeaux), the Loire Valley, and Spain.
Gare Saint-Lazare, 13 rue d'Amsterdam, 8e, serves Normandy (central Northern France) and England (non-Eurostar).
Gare de l'Est, place du 11-Novembre-1918, 10e, is the hub for trains coming from Eastern France (Strasbourg, Alsace), parts of Germany, Luxembourg, and central Eastern Europe,to Zurich and Austria.
Gare Montparnasse, 17 bd. Vaugirard, 15e, serving the west, with trains to and from Brittany. Is mostly reserved for bullet trains serving Nantes and Bordeaux.
If you're traveling to Paris from elsewhere in Europe or France, including Brussels, Lille, Avignon, or French Alps ski resorts like Aime la Plagne or Bourg St. Maurice, taking the Eurostar will speed you to Paris in no time. Eurostar also offers connections to over 100 other places across Europe.
Buses operate between the stations, and each station has a Métro stop. For train information and to make reservations, call tel. 08-92-35-35-35 from abroad, or 36-35 from France, between 8am and 8pm daily. From Paris, one-way rail passage to Tours costs 30€ to 51€; one-way to Strasbourg 55€ or 80€, depending on the routing.
Warning: The stations and surrounding areas are usually seedy and frequented by pickpockets, hustlers, hookers, and addicts. Be alert, especially at night.